Datafile Selection Box

0 votes

When I go to draw the path diagram, the select box for choosing data file seems to be broken. I have tested it on multiple browsers and it does not allow me to select my data file. Till last week, it always worked perfect. Is there anyway you can take a look at it please?

Thank you
asked Feb 23, 2015 in Report bugs/errors by (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Thanks for the feedback. This was actually a bug in our program. It should have been fixed.

We are in the process to update the interface with a new one that draws path diagrams using SVG so that the generated path diagram can be scalable. The diagram can also now be exported to a pdf figure. This sometimes can cause problems in the old interface. The new interface can be used through the SVG diagram button.

Thanks again for your valuable feedback!
answered Feb 23, 2015 by (1,130 points)