Standardized Coefficients

+1 vote
I want to get standardized weights for a CFA I'm running. Any suggestions?
asked Feb 24, 2016 in Use of WebSEM by (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

There is very limited support for the standardized coefficients. However, if you choose Lavaan as the software for your analysis, you can request the standardized coefficient by inputting


in the "Control" field at the bottom of the left-hand panel. The other options in Lavaan can also be used. This is from Lavaan manual:

If "", the standardized estimates are on the variances of the (continuous) latent variables only. If "std.all", the standardized estimates are based on both the variances of both (continuous) observed and latent variables. If "std.nox", the standardized estimates are based on both the variances of both (continuous) observed and latent variables, but not the variances of exogenous covariates.

The standardized coefficients are provided after the normal output.


answered Feb 24, 2016 by (1,130 points)
edited Feb 24, 2016 by